உருப்படி உருவாக்குதலும் அதன் ஆற்றுகையும்: கோணேசர் தலபுராணப்பாக்களை மையப்படுத்திய செயல்மைய ஆய்வு

Creating Compositions and the Performance: An Action-Centric Study Based on the Konesar Thalapuranam Songs



Bharatanatyam which is considered as the classical dance of the Tamil people is a performance art form. Its dance features are presented as concert arrangements, also called compositions. “Adavu” connected with preliminary practices cannot be directly applied as performances. The performance will be set up with the creation of compositions that comprise Jathi (movement of feet conformity with rhythm) which is combination of Adavu. Even though those are abundance in Bharatanatyam, have not been classified as special compositions for sacred shrines. It was analysed about how the Thalapuranangal songs connected to the sacred shrines can be manipulated for the songs that are featured in the compositions, when creating the performances for those sacred shrines. Compositions such as Pushpanjali, Kavuththuvam, Keerthanai, Thillana and Kummi were created from the ancient Thirukoneswarar temple Thalapuranangal songs and these compositions were performed on 13.04.2021 during the Temple festival at the same place. This study is focused on the background of above performance art form, need of compositions, the creation of compositions and its results.


Compositions, performances, Thalapuranangal (Purana on a sacred shrine), the Classical dance of Tamil people


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  2. Pathmanaaban.S., 2006, Sril Lanka Tamil Charters, Uniarts PVT, Colombo – 13
  3. Akilesapillai.V. 2000, Festival of Thirukoneswaram, Thathuvagnana Printers, Colombo – 2.
  4. Akilesapillai.V. 2000, Festival of Thirukoneswaram, Thathuvagnana thavasaalai Printers, Colombo – 2.
  5. Chandrakumar.S. on Elam’s Folk Dance Art Study, Karai S.Sundarampillai’s theatre folk of Northern Sri Lankan and Prof.S.Maunaguru’s Batticaloa Traditional way of drama plays – A Comparative Study, Submitted in 2014 for Master of Philosophy Degree in Department of Fine Arts.


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Article Details

 Volume 2 Issue 2 Jun 2022

 Page No: 15-26

 DOI: https://doi.org/

 Received On: 25 Feb 2022

 Revised On: 29 Mar 2022

 Accepted On: 30 Jun 2022

 Published On: 30 Jun 2022

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