பூமணியின் சிறுகதைகளில் சமுதாயப் பார்வை

Social perspective in Poomani's short stories



Literature is a mirror of time, and ‘time’ refers to the ‘biography’ of the people who comprise it. A great literary artist uses literature for such social developmental purposes. He articulates the people and events he sees in the society in which he lives, along with his thinking. There is no other literary genre that can take human life as it is, like the short story that satisfies the artist's thoughts. Thus the earthly land of Nanjil was born in the affluent part of the country and the life of the mothers seemed to be like a paradise. This article's a summary of the study's exploration of how the biological patterns of life are situated for the people of the land of Karisal, and the optimal solution to the problems posed by socio-economic change and upheaval.


Society, Biological elements, Society and the creator, Agriculture, Attitude of rural students


  1. Kingsulidevi, Encyclopaedia Vol-5, p.469.
  2. Jayamohan, Pookumkaravelam, p.50.
  3. Jayamohan, Pookumkaravelam, p.58.
  4. Jayamohan, Pookumkaravelam, p.68.
  5. Poomani, Elie, p.2.
  6. Poomani, Elie, p.3.
  7. Poomani, Elie, p.85.
  8. Poomani, Poomani Stories, pp.3-4.
  9. Poomani, Poomani Stories, p.16.
  10. Poomani, Poomani Stories, p.17.
  11. Poomani, Poomani Stories, p.63.
  12. Poomani, Poomani Stories, p.65.


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Article Details

 Volume 2 Issue 3 Sep 2022

 Page No: 36-42

 DOI: https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.7371594

 Received On: 05 Sep 2022

 Revised On: 07 Sep 2022

 Accepted On: 09 Sep 2022

 Published On: 16 Sep 2022

How to cite


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