நெய்தல் நில மக்களின் வாழ்வியல் பதிவுகள்

Biographies of Neythal Land People


The Sangha literatures realistically recorded the living conditions of the Palandamis. These are divided into internal and external by prioritizing male and female love and highlighting individual personality. Also in the Sangha literature, it was divided into four parts, namely, time, soil and life. They are Kurinji, Mullai, Marutham, Neithal etc. Each department is set up with a defined lifestyle and culture. Among these are weavings that record coastal life. The region has also been the origin of coastal trade. The research summary of this article is to reveal the biographical records of the people who lived in this land.


Biographies Records, Occupations of people, Fish trade, Customs, Traditions.


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  7. NARTINI PA. NO. 101, edition year. 2007.
  8. Thananjeyan, a Study of Fisherman Songs of Thanjavur District, Pa. No. 13. Edition year. 1985.
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  10. Further, Pa. No. 388, edition year. 1967.
  11. Duraisamipillai Olaivai, Su. (U.A.), Purananuru (old text), Pa. No. 307,   Edition year. 2007


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Article Details

 Volume 2 Issue 3 Sep 2022

 Page No: 43-51

 DOI: https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.7371670

 Received On: 05 Sep 2022

 Revised On: 10 Sep 2022

 Accepted On: 15 Sep 2022

 Published On: 20 Sep 2022

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