வரலாற்று ஆவணம்: ஆனந்தரங்கப்பிள்ளை நாட்குறிப்பு

Historical Document: Anandarangappillai Diary



Anandarangappillai's diary was the first diary published in Tamil. The fact that the diary is not an autobiography but a social history and the history of the struggle between nations gives this diary its historical significance. This diary is a very detailed record of the political, religious, social and economic conditions prevailing in the 18th century, as well as the customs and beliefs of the people. This article first explains the purpose of writing Anandarangappillai's diary, the nature of the diary, the copies and editions of the diary. Then begins his birth, explains his life history in various capacities as the head of the merchant guild, Dubashi, and the literature sung about him.


Anadharangappillai, Tamil Dairy, Pondicherry, French Chamber of Commerce, Dubashi, Duplex


  1. Anandarangappillai’s Diary, Volume 1, 1998. Puducherry Department of Art and Culture, Puducherry.
  2. Alalasundaram, R. 1999, Anandarangappillai kaala thamizhagam, G.R.S. Publisher, Puducherry.
  3. Alalasundaram, R. 2001, Anandrangappillai kaala Arasiyalum Samuthaayamum, G.R.S. Publisher, Puducherry.
  4. Selvarasu, Chilambu. Na. 2010 (E.P), Inthiya ilakkiya chirpikal: Anandarangapillai, Sahitya Academy, New Delhi.


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Article Details

 Volume 2 Issue 3 Sep 2022

 Page No: 62-75

 DOI: https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.7371788

 Received On: 16 Sep 2022

 Revised On: 22 Sep 2022

 Accepted On: 28 Sep 2022

 Published On: 30 Sep 2022

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