பெருங்கதையின் ஆற்றல்மிகு மறவர்கள்

The Powerful warriors of Perunkathai



In Sangam era, poets narrates or portraits the life history of the powerful kings, their warships, their personality, the people's culture and civilization, and so on. But they never portrayed them conquering the enemy by getting the support of the deity in the hymns. 'Porunar' (in Tamil) means 'Doer', 'Warrior' or 'King'. A masculine man who is well-known for his bravery should have a strong heart, courage, and enormous energy. Valour was considered an important characteristic of men to live his life in harmony. The words like ‘Valour’ [Maram], Anger [Sinam], Fury [Seetram] and Wrath [Vanchinam] were found everywhere in the passages of Purappadal. Here the word ‘Valour’ [Maram] has a broad meaning including strength, courage, anger, rage, strength, power, victory, immortality, destruction, and killing. This article researches and studies about an epic King Udayanan's great valour as a soldier, as a king, as friend for Minister Yuki and as a military veteran who lived with endless glory for protecting his people to the very end despite caring and saving his own life.


Perungathai, Bravery, Oppilakia Nokil Sangakaalam, Purananooru


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Article Details

 Volume 2 Issue 4 Dec 2022

 Page No: 55-68

 DOI: https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.7372372

 Received On: 18 Oct 2022

 Revised On: 27 Oct 2022

 Accepted On: 31 Oct 2022

 Published On: 05 Nov 2022

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 This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercialShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0) International License.