கி.ரா.வின் கோபல்ல கிராமத்தில் கரிசல் வட்டாரவழக்கு

Karisal Dialect in Ki.Ra’s Koballa kiramam



K. Rajanarayanan, called as Ki. Ra, is a well-known pioneer of dialect dictionary, storyteller, Sahitya Akadhemi Awardee. He studied upto 7th standard and worked as a professor in Pondicherry University. Innumerable spoken forms and Karisal regional dialects are found in his works. His 'Karisal dialect Dictionary' has brought about a renaissance in dictionary making. As a result of creating a unique identity for himself in creating series, stories and novels, he has expressed the vocabulary found in the Nellai District in every one of his publications. Among them, this article is intended to highlight the colloquial speech and the Karisal dialect in the novel 'Koballa Kiramam' on the basis of sociolinguistics.


Dialect, Dialect Dictionary, Spoken Variety, Spoken Tamil, Dialect Languages, Ki. Rajanarayanan, Ki. Ra


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  7. Srinivasa Varma .K 1980, Bilingualism, All India Tamil Linguistics Association, Annamalai Nagar, Chidambaram.
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Article Details

 Volume 2 Issue 4 Dec 2022

 Page No: 83-90

 DOI: https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.7372422

 Received On: 02 Nov 2022

 Revised On: 07 Nov 2022

 Accepted On: 10 Nov 2022

 Published On: 14 Nov 2022

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