வள்ளலாரின் படைப்புகளும் ஜீவகாருண்யமும்

Creations and Jeevakarunyam of Vallalar



Vallalar was unique among the mystics. He has spread the morals that can be used by all the people of the world regardless of caste, religion, language, race, etc. They introduced a new light worship in the worship of God.

Ramalingar received formal schooling.  However, as he is very knowledgeable and able to read, he is gifted with the creative art of writing literature. As it is recorded that he received divine knowledge when he was a five-month-old child, it is possible to know the realization of God. It can be seen that he has acquired the ability to create literature by reading grammar literature and has created genres such as Arutpa, Agaval, and Application. Vallalar's status as a scholar of Muthamil is thus felt. Thiruvarutpa, authored by Vallalar, through literary works such as Jivakarunya Morality, Manupi Kanda Wasakam, Thontai Mandal Sathagam, and Abolivilavela, he not only verbalized the ideas of social reform but also brought many stations in the society in order to implement them. They are still working. The movements of those days were the basis for today's social developments.


Vallalar, Jeevagarunyam, God, Light, Torch


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Article Details

 Volume 2 Issue 4 Dec 2022

 Page No: 201-208

 DOI: https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.7375272

 Received On: 21 Oct 2022

 Revised On: 04 Nov 2022

 Accepted On: 19 Nov 2022

 Published On: 01 Dec 2022

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