சிங்கை மா. இளங்கண்ணனின் குறுநாவல் ‘பொருத்தம்’ - ஒரு சமுதாயப் பார்வை

Singapore writer Ma. Ilangkannan’s short novel ‘Porudham’ - A Social Perspective



Ma. Ilangkannan is one of Singapore's greatest writers. He is the first Tamil writer to receive Thailand's Southeast Asian Writing Award. Born and brought up in Singapore, he has expressed the lifestyles, joys and sorrows of Singaporeans through his writing. The first short novel in his short novel collection is ‘Porudham’. The novel is a renaissance piece of literature on marriage suitability, one of the superstitions prevalent in the 1960s. Parents who marry off their children in the name of favouritism act with a false mind-set that only favourability is enough without giving importance to anything else. At the end of the novel, the author beautifully presents the impotence of the human caste, those who are unable to let go of this habit even after realizing that astrology is not something to follow completely, through the character of Chellammal. The purpose of this article is to study the effects of such a ritual on the married life of children.


Astrology, Marriage, Matchmaking, Remedy, Superstition, Remarriage


  1. Rama Murthymohan, The Development of the Novel, Manivaskar Publishing House, 1989.
  2. N. Sivasubramanian, Novel Reading, Literary Search Publication, Madura Publishing House, Madurai, 1984 First Edition.
  3. R. Velmurugan, Singaporean Tamil – A Multifaceted Perspective on Literature, Tamil Art Printers, 10, Ilan, Bazaar, #15-03, Sim Lim Tower, Singapore - 208787, 2008.
  4. G.V. Geetha, T. Janagiraman Novel Art, New Century Book House, Chennai, 1994 First Edition.
  5. M. Ramalingam, Novel Literature, Ganapathi Process, Chennai - 5 First Edition, 2014.
  6. P.G. Sundararajan, So. Sivapadasundaram, Tamil Novel Century History and Development, Christian Literature Society, Chennai, 1977. 
  7. Beulamercy, Twenty Short Stories, Jayakumari Stores, Nagercoil, 1974.
  8. Main Source - Ma. Ilangkannan, Suitability, Kannikadanam, Where does time go, Singai Maa. Ilangakannan's Novels, Suvadip Publishing House, Chennai 2006.


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Article Details

 Volume 2 Issue 4 Dec 2022

 Page No: 263-272

 DOI: https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.7402825

 Received On: 12 Nov 2022

 Revised On: 17 Nov 2022

 Accepted On: 22 Nov 2022

 Published On: 06 Dec 2022

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